A Better Life Ahead – Orlando Union Rescue Mission

A Better Life Ahead

 In Story

 A Better Life Ahead

Nicole can still recall the first night, “We got the keys to our room and the family got ready for bed. My daughter was in the bunk above us and I reached up to hold her hand as we fell asleep. The whole family was holding hands. We were in shock, but we were together.”

Through the different resources at the Mission, both parents received the encouragement and training to find sustainable employment and learn new, healthy ways to manage their finances. And the kids were able to play in the Mission’s nursery while mom and dad worked hard to rebuild their family.

Since moving in a little more than a year ago, Israel and Nicole have watched the bond between the family grow stronger. God was using their time at the Mission to piece together the life that had fallen apart. “We were Christians, but we were in control of our lives. Now God I know that my money is God’s money. It will disappear one day but I can store up riches in heaven instead.”

Today, Israel and Nicole are proud to say they are 90% debt free – and the 10% left is well within reach. Israel is using his skills in maintenance to oversee a multisite medical company. Nicole is working as an assistant property manager and recently was nominated for a promotion. The kids are beginning school in the area that the family will move to in late September and are loving the new environment.


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