Audrey Receives Help, Now Assists Others – Orlando Union Rescue Mission

Audrey Receives Help, Now Assists Others

 In Story

Audrey thought her life would be better when she left her job at one jewelry store and went to another. But that’s not how things turned out for the mother of two.

“I started getting fewer and fewer hours,” Audrey recalled. “Before long I couldn’t come up with the rent and we were about to be homeless.”

A New Jersey native, Audrey didn’t have any family here in Central Florida to get help from. A friend recommended the Mission to her and the family was welcomed with open arms.

“I was really astonished how welcoming and kind everyone was when I got there,” she said. “I know their caseload was heavy but they took the time to talk to me, pray with me and explain what was happening. It was such a relief.”

Audrey was admitted into the program at O.U.R. Mission Home and quickly embraced all the Mission had to offer, starting with the Victorious Life Class, a two-week introduction to biblical principles.

“I was a Christian when I came here, but that class was very strengthening for me,” Audrey said. “It really opened my eyes to a lot of things spiritually.”

Her two boys enjoyed their time here and Audrey liked the fact they were able to socialize in a safe environment.

“There were a lot of other children their age that they could play with,” she said. “And I felt safe that my children could go out and play with them. There weren’t the concerns there are now, when you are afraid to let them go out. They really enjoyed it.”

During her stay Audrey also received computer training and participated in the Jobs Partnership Program. Those efforts paid off when she got a job at The Worship Center while she was still at the Mission. Today she is the church’s Food Service Manager.

“My time at the Mission helped me develop a heart for this kind of work,” Audrey said. “I want to help people better their lives, the way the Mission helped me better mine.”

When it came time for Audrey and the boys to move out, the Mission made sure they had what they needed.

“I had a few pieces of furniture but needed furniture for my children’s bedroom, so I was able to go to the Bargain Store and pick out some,” Audrey said. “From the beginning to the end, they took care of our needs and helped us get back on our feet.”

Audrey was able to get back on her feet and learn skills to use in a job helping others. Each day, O.U.R. Mission Home offers this kind of life-changing care to more than 30 families. Your gift of $26.82 provides a hot meal and a day of care for a homeless man, woman or child in Central Florida.

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