Discipleship Program Helps John Get Back on His Feet – Orlando Union Rescue Mission

Discipleship Program Helps John Get Back on His Feet

 In Story

Anyone who meets John knows within minutes that this man never ceases to smile or crack a joke. His good-natured attitude may lead you to think that life’s been an easy ride for John.

In reality, it was that good-natured attitude that helped him face the uncertainties of unemployment and homelessness with hope and a willingness to overcome the obstacles that stood in his way.

John was a full-time mechanic living in Virginia when he decided to better his career by enrolling at a technical school in Central Florida. But his money ran out while he was here, leaving him stranded in a place where he had no family or network to get back into the workforce. It seemed like every possible open door had been shut.

John shared his struggles with his church and was received with open arms. “They told me that they would be my family since mine was far away and they would make sure I get the help I needed,” he said. His church helped him find the Orlando Union Rescue Mission. There, John not only got his physical needs met but was also able to get the help he needed to find work.

John worked in various areas around the Mission as part of the Discipleship Program, and learning and practicing an excellent work ethic while building his skill set eventually paid off. He enrolled in Jobs Partnership, a local, faith-based employment resource and partner of the Mission. It was there that he learned how write a resume and market himself to potential employers.

This past spring, John got a full-time job at Florida Hospital with the kitchen staff. During his 12-hour shifts, he tells his co-workers about Christ and how John trusts in His strength to get through the long days. It’s evident that he means it, too, by the beaming smile that never leaves his face.

John, with that same big smile, credits the Lord using the Mission in his life to get back on his feet.

“The stability and commitment to the Word of God helps people like me get back on the right track. I’m so grateful for the help I received here!” he said.

The O.U.R. Men’s Division has about 40 disciples, like John, who receive intensive Christian instruction and mentorship along with work therapy designed to develop self-discipline, work ethic and accountability. Your gift of $26.82 provides a day of life-changing care for a man in the discipleship program.

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