Dorothy Climbs Down From Mountain of Debt – Orlando Union Rescue Mission

Dorothy Climbs Down From Mountain of Debt

 In Story

Dorothy felt like she was drowning. Bills were piling up faster than she could work to pay them off. Her adult son and his wife had allowed her to stay in their home while she tackled her debt, but tensions started running high. In order to save the relationship, Dorothy decided to leave.

The problem was this: Her income from her job as a cook at a Marriott hotel would have been enough to live off of — except her debt payments ate so much of her income that she couldn’t afford to live by herself. With nowhere to turn for help, it seemed impossible for her to stay afloat.

Fortunately, a friend of hers knew about the Orlando Union Rescue Mission and brought her in to fill out an application at O.U.R. Mission Home for single women and families. She arrived in December 2011, and that turned out to be the starting point of her new, transformed life.

While in the midst of family tension and mounting debt, Dorothy could only muster up enough energy to take on the day at hand. The chaos that came with her circumstances erased any ability to plan for the future. She knew that mentality had to change for her to move forward.

That change would come from the Victorious Life Program, a course meant to help residents understand Christian principles and how they apply to life. “It got me to dig into the Bible,” Dorothy said. “I learned how to have a better attitude and how to live within my means.”

Because she was able to stay at O.U.R. Mission Home while she maintained her job at the Marriott, she was able attack the bills that had for so long felt like they were attacking her. Most mornings, Dorothy was at work long before most of the world was awake. Her case manager helped her learn how to budget and save money so she could live sustainably once she moved out on her own.

Finally, the day came: Dorothy was debt free — she could breathe again!

With her new-found financial freedom, Dorothy began to look for a place of her own. She moved into an apartment with her sister in February 2013 and continues to maintain her job as a cook. Her relationship with her son is restored and she enjoys spending time with her three grandchildren.

Dorothy attributes her achievements to the hope she found at the Orlando Union Rescue Mission.

“This place helped me learn and grow so much,” she said. “Honestly, without the Mission, I would not be where I am today. I thank God because of all I was able to accomplish there.”

During her time at the Mission, Dorothy was able to pay off her loans and learn financial principles needed to remain debt-free. Each day, O.U.R. Mission Home offers life-changing care to nearly 33 families, like Dorothy’s. Your gift of $26.82 provides a hot meal and a day of care for a homeless man, woman or child in Central Florida.

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