In Her Own Words, Pat’s Story of Redemption – Orlando Union Rescue Mission

In Her Own Words, Pat’s Story of Redemption

 In Story

I came to Florida in 2004 to build a life of my own. It didn’t take me long to find a job and buy a house. But in 2007, I lost my job and was unable to find stable employment. Consequently I lost my car, home, and most of my possessions. After losing everything, I lived in a hotel for as long as I could. But within a few months, I could no longer afford the weekly rate and became homeless.

Stressed, confused, and out of options I called the 211 hotline and was given a list of numbers to call for assistance. I dialed the first number, got some information, and hung up. The second number on the list was the Orlando Union Rescue Mission.

The person who answered the phone invited me to come in for an interview. After filling out an application and speaking with the In-Take Coordinator, I was accepted into the Mission’s program. This program provided a supportive, nonjudgmental, homelike environment with emotional and spiritual guidance.

After three months, I got a job. I learned the importance of financial responsibility through classes at the Mission and immediately started saving my earnings. Putting those skills into practice, and blessed by the patience, kindness, and understanding shown to me by the professionals at OURM, I was able to move out on my own two months after being hired.

All the Mission staff were very professional and adept at their job, but I must mention my case manager. She listened to me cry and complain in my deep sadness and confusion, yet she never pushed me or seemed to become upset, frustrated or tired of working with me. I know she is a professional and that these qualities are part of her job description, but now that I am able to look back and truly appreciate her keen understanding of my situation, I am thankful for the manner in which she skillfully helped me regain courage and strength.

Thanks to all at the Mission! It’s a place and people I’ll never forget.

Each day, O.U.R. Mission Home provides life-changing care to more than 30 families. Your gift of $26.82 provides a hot meal and a day of care for a homeless man, woman or child in Central Florida.

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