Monique Gained Her Independence – Orlando Union Rescue Mission

Monique Gained Her Independence

 In Story

With two young children and a deteriorating relationship, Monique had few options when she decided she had to get out of her situation.

“I was a stay-at-home mom living with my kids’ father and some of his family members,” she recalled. “Things weren’t working out with him and I didn’t want to have to rely on him and his family. I knew I had to make some changes, but I didn’t have anywhere to go.”

It was 2009 and Monique was searching online for a place to stay when she found the Mission. At first she was concerned about bringing her kids into a “shelter,” but she quickly learned O.U.R. Mission Home is exactly what its name says it is.

“One of things I liked about the Mission was it doesn’t come off like a shelter; it comes off as a home,” Monique said. “If you are truly ready to make a change in your life – and put God first – then this is the place for you. They were able to put me on the right path in so many areas.”

First and foremost was her relationship with Christ. Through the Victorious Life program, chapel services and Bible studies, her faith grew as she began applying biblical principles to her daily life. “The people there really motivated me,” Monique said. “They kept me focused on my goals.”

Life was busy for Monique as she did her daily chores, attended college classes, participated in the Jobs Partnership program and took care of her children. “I came home, fed the kids, bathed them, went to chapel and then came home and studied.”

Through Jobs Partnership, Monique got a job at the Winnie Palmer Hospital while she was a Mission and was able to save up a nest egg for use when she moved out.

“I left the Mission with $11,000 in my account. That was more than two years ago and I’m proud to say that I still have most of it,” she said. “I’m also still working at the same place and living in the same apartment. It hasn’t always been easy but I’ve never been late on my bills. The electric company even gave me my deposit back because I’ve been paying my light bill on time.”

Monique has fond memories of her time at the Mission and is grateful for the help she received.

“I just can’t believe all they did for us,” she said. “I learned so much when I was there. I couldn’t have done this without their help.”

Monique was able to start a new life for herself and her children during their time at the Mission. Each day, O.U.R. Mission Home offers life-changing care to nearly 33 families, like Monique’s. Your gift of $26.82 provides a hot meal and a day of care for a homeless man, woman or child in Central Florida.

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