Sean Finds an Oasis in the Middle of the Desert – Orlando Union Rescue Mission

Sean Finds an Oasis in the Middle of the Desert

 In Story

Those who have experienced addiction will tell you that sometimes it feels like the addiction controls you, that it will take everything from you until you are left with nothing. Sean can attest to this firsthand.

He had a job, a nice car, nice clothes, and more than enough money. But an addiction to drugs claimed all of those things and left Sean on the streets.

“It was so scary. You don’t know where you are going to sleep or where your next meal is going to come from,” he said. “When you look back on your life and you see that you made some very grave errors that resulted in homelessness, it puts a void inside you that leaves you hopeless.”

When Sean found the Mission, it was like finding an oasis in the middle of the desert. He found the food and shelter he lacked, along with the compassion that would lead him out of his addiction.

“I realized my needs weren’t just physical, they were spiritual,” he said. “They didn’t just share a meal with me, they shared Christ. I was overwhelmed with gratitude and hope.”

Sean took refuge in this new environment that protected him from his old lifestyle. He credits the staff, the volunteers, and the other residents for helping him rebuild his life on a new foundation of faith. He participated in the work program, which helped instill a new sense of purpose and dignity.

Daily chapel and Bible study helped Sean learn how to turn from a life of destruction to a life of “peace and a strong sense of belonging. I know that my calling is serve others.”

Sean now works at O.U.R. Mission Bargain Store.

Sean was able to beat his addiction and rebuild his life through the Discipleship program. The O.U.R. Men’s Division has about 40 disciples who receive intensive Christian instruction and mentorship, along with work therapy designed to develop self-discipline, work ethic and accountability. Your gift of $26.82 provides a day of life-changing care for a man in the discipleship program.

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