Second Time a Charm as Trish is Transformed – Orlando Union Rescue Mission

Second Time a Charm as Trish is Transformed

 In Story

Trish didn’t realize what she had the first time she stayed at O.U.R. Mission Home. After just six months, she decided she’d had enough.

“I met a guy and we thought we were in love, so I moved out so we could be together,” Trish said. “Well, that didn’t work out. We separated and pretty soon I was homeless again.”

Trish humbled herself and asked if she could come back to the Mission. She returned in August 2010 a broken woman.

“It was a low point. I felt betrayed and like it was time for me to really see God and hold on to him,” she said. “They had advised me against leaving the first time, so it was very humbling. I thank God for it now. Now I know how to be humble. I’ve learned to be self-disciplined and obedient.”

This time, Trish was ready to listen. She began working towards her high school diploma, took parenting classes and completed the Victorious Life Class, a two-week introduction to biblical principles.

“Victorious Life laid the foundation for everything else,” Trish said. “It gave me the attitude I needed to succeed. “I was listening and learning the first time I was there, but the second time is when I really began to understand God’s love and began my relationship with Him.”

Trish’s kids benefitted from their stay, too.

“They weren’t used to getting out and doing much, so they really became outgoing and enjoyed the different activities,” Trish said. “A lot of people spent time with them and ministered to them.”

In August 2011, Trish and her case worker decided together that she was ready to go out on her own. During her time at the Mission, Trish took classes in medical billing and coding, and medical assisting. She hasn’t been able to get her foot in the door in either of those professions yet but she is excelling in her current job as a manager at McDonald’s in Titusville.

“I’ve been here full time for two years now,” she said. “I was employee of the month, then employee of the year and now I am a shift manager.”

Trish is also very active in her church and even preaches every once in a while.

“God has been with me all the time. He hasn’t left my side,” she said. “I realized that at the Mission. That place changed my life.”

Each day, O.U.R. Mission Home offers life-changing care to nearly 33 families, like Trish’s. Your gift of $26.82 provides a hot meal and a day of care for a homeless man, woman or child in Central Florida.

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