Selling My Father’s Ring – Orlando Union Rescue Mission

Selling My Father’s Ring

 In Story

Jason and Evangeline were building a life together with their one year old son, Noah. However, Jason’s previous prison term proved to be a stumbling block as they looked for jobs and safe places to live. Evangeline worked in a fast food restaurant while Jason would wake up in the early morning hours to stand in line for temporary labor jobs. Evangeline’s job covered the rent and Jason would use whatever money he earned that day to pay for other necessities like diapers, laundry detergent, and gas for the car.

“It was pretty scary and stressful. In that kind of situation, you can’t move forward in life. You just feel like you are going backwards,” remembers Evangeline.

Their total income wasn’t keeping up with the bills. They started selling whatever possessions they had as a last-ditch effort to make ends meet.

The stark wake-up call came when Jason stood in a pawn shop, watching the employee evaluate his late father’s ring. It was an expensive gift – not only in monetary value but in sentimental worth. But the family was running out of options.

It was then that Jason knew they needed help. “I knew God would take care of us but everything was going wrong. I would go to bed at night whispering Jesus’ name over and over. It was the only thing that brought me peace.”

God did indeed hear their prayers. And He was about to answer.

On the way to a pawn shop, with the last of their possessions, they decided to stop at a local church. The staff told them about the help they could get at the Orlando Union Rescue Mission. They were nervous about the idea but those fears melted away when they saw the place and learned that the whole family would be able to stay together.

Here, both Jason and Evangeline are learning how to build a sustainable lifestyle. They are able to utilize the Mission’s free day care for Noah while in work or at school.  Evangeline maintains a part time job and Jason is receiving job-training and brushing up on his education. Both have a passion to share the love of Christ with others in the way that it’s been shared with them. “We are so grateful that we have everything we need here. I can’t wait for the day that I can be the one to give or volunteer,” says Jason.


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