O.U.R. Mission Home – Cold Night Procedures – Orlando Union Rescue Mission

O.U.R. Mission Home – Cold Night Procedures

 In Press Releases

If the temperature drops below 40 degrees, as determined by the National Weather Service, up to an additional 12 guests will be permitted to sleep in the FLC TV room. Guests who sleep on the TV room floor on such nights will be admitted free of charge.

Whenever we receive a cold weather report that the temperature will be below 40 degrees, actual or wind chill, we will receive these overnight guests, beginning at 4:30PM UNTIL 9:00PM.
The staff working the front desk will need to be prepared to have them fill out the first page of the Residents Application and make a copy of any picture ID they may have. Attach the copy of the ID to the Application. They must have the ability to care for their mental and physical needs independent of staff assistance and free of any communicable diseases. Because we are a drug, alcohol and tobacco free program we will not accept anyone who may be drunk or on drugs or insists upon smoking,

Once they have turned in the information listed above and have been accepted, they will be escorted to the Breezeway area along with their luggage. A name tag will be issued and attached to their clothing and their luggage. We will attempt to have a portable TV on an AV Cart available for them to watch Videos/DVDs as well as Bibles and magazines for them to read. A Disciple under Staff Supervision will remain with them and monitor their time here.

If they arrive prior to 5:30pm and have finished checking in, they will be permitted to eat in the Dining Room at that time. Those who arrive after that time will eat between 7:00 and 7:45pm. Per the Dir. of Food Services, the second group will receive a pre-packaged dinner that they may heat up in the microwave.

At 9:00pm the guests will be escorted to the FLC TV room for the evening. They will be given a Comforter and, if available a blanket and a pillow with a cover. All of these items must be folded and placed by the TV room door in the morning to be washed. These items are the property of the Mission and the guests may not take them when they leave. The Disciple will be responsible to account for these items.

These guests will have use of the FLC Ladies restroom and must keep it clean. A second Disciple will relieve the first Disciple at 10:00pm and plan to spend the night in the TV room with the overnight guests. Their luggage will be stored in the Exercise/Weight Room and be retrieved the next morning when they leave.

They will be awakened at 6:00am the next morning by the Night Security on duty. The Disciple on duty will escort them to the Dining Room where they may have breakfast between 6:30 and 7:00am. They will then return to the Exercise Room to retrieve their luggage and depart out of the front door of the FLC, Washington St. entrance, NLT 7:30 am.

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