Thank you from Juan – Orlando Union Rescue Mission

Thank you from Juan

 In Story

Hello friend,

My name is Juan and I want to tell you how Orlando Union Rescue Mission saved me and my family from homelessness and despair.

I was living recklessly when we moved to Florida in 2011. Using and selling drugs, I had no rules in my life and no desire to change. But we quickly found ourselves homeless and out of money with nowhere to turn. It was a wakeup call from God!

At first I didn’t want to come to the Mission because I had a picture in my mind of what a homeless shelter looks like. But it’s nothing like that. It really felt like home! The most important thing the Mission did was introduce me to Jesus Christ. I was able to finally see my sinful nature and how the things I was doing were dishonorable to a holy God. One night in April of 2011 I surrendered my life to Christ.

By December of 2012, we were able to save enough money to rent a home in Pine Hills, just a few minutes from our church. Today I am privileged to work in the maintenance department here at the Mission, and I sometimes get the chance to share with our guests how the Lord changed my life and how He can change theirs, too.

Your support helped make this possible and, on behalf of my wife and three children, I want to say thank you. God bless you!

Love, Juan

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