Thank you from Reshon – Orlando Union Rescue Mission

Thank you from Reshon

 In Story

Dear Friend,

My name is Reshon Moore, and I was a guest at the Orlando Union Rescue Mission Family Home, along with two of my children, for two years in the 1990s. Today, I’m a member of the Mission’s Board of Directors. I just want to tell you about the difference the Mission made in my life.

From the first time I walked in here, I was touched by how concerned and caring the people were. They accepted me for just who I was, even with all my mistakes. They didn’t see all that. All they saw was my heart and the need. Nobody ever made me feel down or in despair.

The Mission helped us get back on our feet and put me on the right track. I eventually became the branch manager of a federal credit union. Today I am happily married for 15 years, have four children and five beautiful grandchildren.

It was here that I found my purpose in life, and now I pay it forward by mentoring young girls who I pray never have to go through what I went through. I founded the Butterfly Transformation Outreach Girls Mentoring Program, and it was inspired because of my journey here at the Mission.

Thank you for supporting the Orlando Union Rescue Mission. Your generosity has made a difference in the lives of thousands of people, including my family. God bless you!


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