2016 December Newsletter – Mission Accomplished: Jazzmine – Orlando Union Rescue Mission

2016 December Newsletter – Mission Accomplished: Jazzmine

 In Newsletter Story

Jazzmine wasn’t sure what to expect when she and her two younger daughters came to O.U.R. Mission Family Home in October of 2013.

” I thought I’d be in a room full of bunk beds with a whole bunch of other women and maybe even men,” she said. “But when they opened the door to Room 221, I couldn’t believe we had a place of our own, and it was such a NICE place. It felt like home.”

During her 2 1/2 years at the Mission, Jazzmine participated in the Jobs Partnership program and eventually found a full-time job. She was able to put money aside to pay $20,000 worth of debt and build enough savings so she and her daughters could move out last spring.

“I came into the Mission broken, but I left so full of joy. They helped us get back on our feet, and I learned so much during my time there. I’m forever grateful.”

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