I Finally Have Hope: Jason’s Story – Orlando Union Rescue Mission

I Finally Have Hope: Jason’s Story

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Jason never considered himself an addict. After all, every drug he took was prescribed by physicians to treat the severe depression that plagued him since childhood.

“I never used illegal drugs – cocaine, meth, heroin or anything like that,” he says. “I figured it was OK if the doctor prescribed it, and my life was going pretty well. I was with the same company for 22 years. I didn’t think things
were going to change the way they did.”

Things began spiraling out of control for the Texan when the Dallas real estate company where he worked as a property manager downsized and let him go. Along with losing his income, he lost the health insurance that covered his prescription drugs. That forced him to stop taking the anti-depressants cold turkey.

“I already suffered from depression, I lost my job and now I was going through withdrawal. I was a mess. The only way to describe it is I felt like I was in a deep, dark dungeon, with no hope. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think about killing myself.”

Jason recalls spending months in bed, “living like a hermit.” On the rare occasions when he was motivated to seek a job, the interviews were a disaster. “It was obvious something was wrong with me.

One day, Jason got a call from a former colleague at the real estate firm who had moved to Orlando. His friend offered him a job as live-in manager at an apartment complex. Jason jumped at the chance, but not long after he arrived, the company lost the management contract and he was once  again out of work, this time in a new city with no place to live, no car, and seemingly no hope.

“I got a job selling vacuum cleaners door to door and that was a disaster. I met a girl and lived with her a while, but that wasn’t working out. I was at my wits’ end.”

Asked to move out by his ex-girlfriend, Jason sought help through several local agencies. That’s where he learned about the Mission and its Men’s Home.

“I can’t describe my state of mind when I called Pastor Hall. I was lower than bottom. I didn’t even know what I needed. I just needed help, and he offered it to me.”

Jason immediately realized the Mission is where he needed to be. In addition to meals and shelter, he’s receiving the spiritual nourishment he was missing all these years.

“I grew up in the church and always believed in God, but I got away from it. Now I’ve surrendered everything to Him. I’ve proven I can’t do this on my own. Now I’m letting Him lead me.”

Jason joined the discipleship program, where his job is to check in and help care for the overnight guests at the Men’s Home. He attends daily Bible studies and chapel services, and he participates in First Baptist Orlando’s Celebrate Recovery program to help deal with his addictions.

“I can’t think of a better place for me at this time. I know I’ve got a long way to go, but I have people who love me and are going to help me get there. I finally have hope.”

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