Gallery: Men’s Home Construction – Orlando Union Rescue Mission

Gallery: Men’s Home Construction

 In Photo Gallery, Story

The Mission’s new Men’s Home is taking shape at 3300 W. Colonial Drive. The latest milestone was the installation of the cross in front. The cross is a replica of the iconic and historic red cross that has sat atop the old Men’s Home, located on West Central Boulevard, for more than 50 years.

On Friday, December 22nd, we’ll hold our first Christmas Banquet at the new location. While we celebrate Christmas in the new chapel and dining room, we’ll be putting the finishing touches on the guest rooms so we can move in shortly after the New Year.

On January 30th, Home Depot will bring more than 650 volunteers to install and irrigation system, landscaping, a basketball court, a memorial garden, and other projects that will save the Mission hundreds of thousands of dollars. The project was originally scheduled for September but postponed due to Hurricane Irma.

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