One Smile at a Time: Main Event – Orlando Union Rescue Mission

One Smile at a Time: Main Event

 In Newsletter Story, Story, Volunteer Spotlight

“Connecting People, Making Memories…One Smile at a Time” is Main Event’s mission. For the past year, Orlando Union Rescue Mission has felt more connected, made more memories, and smiled wider thanks to its partnership with Main Event.

Main Event is a family-friendly destination with a restaurant, endless games and activities, and a commitment to good-hearted generosity. They are dedicated to creating an atmosphere of fun for visitors as well as demonstrating corporate benevolence by making a difference in local communities. “We try to go above and beyond when it comes to… our community values, making sure that we’re out there and we’re present helping in any way possible,” Sales Manager Lizette Chalker shares.

Main Event’s help extends to the Mission. This year, Chalker and her team offered an invitation for young guests living at the Mission to come once a month for a day of sponsored fun and games. The ultimate delight for Chalker’s team is the huge smiles on every child’s face.

The giving back doesn’t stop with this amazing offer. Chalker’s team planned a team-building activity around collecting school supplies and creating backpack bundles for children at the Mission before the school year began. They also volunteer with other organizations and plan to do more with the Mission in the months to come.

Chalker loves giving back, and she recognizes that the benefits affect every party involved, including herself.  “We do events all day long, but when it’s done right, it just brings a smile to my face,” Chalker says. These chances to bless Mission guests leave Chalker smiling now more than ever before.

“Connecting People, Making Memories… One Smile at a Time” – Main Event’s mission is achieved.

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