Financial Accountability – Orlando Union Rescue Mission


Orlando Union Rescue Mission will honor a donor’s intention in the allocation of designated funds. We do not give cash directly to the homeless. All contributions received are used to conduct programs such as providing nutritious meals, safe shelter, Christian and academic education, career training and employment placement, child care and youth programs.


Orlando Union Rescue Mission will provide, upon request, independently audited financial documentation to anyone who would like to personally see how this ministry utilizes the funds the community has graciously entrusted to us. The Mission is recognized as an organization exempt from Federal Income Tax under section 501(c)(3) (FCA Registration #CH-2536). We are a member, affiliated with, or held accountable by the following organizations:


The ministry that is granted the “Certificate of Excellence” is a model ministry and an example to other ministries of the AGRM to attain the status of excellence. Essentially, the ministry documents its compliance with the Certification Program’s Excellence phase with the program’s standards in the following categories:

  • Its relationship with local churches in indicating how it provides opportunities for church members to become involved in the ministry’s programs, services and activities.
  • How the ministry extends its programs, services and activities into the greater surrounding community and beyond.
  • Analysis of the ministry’s vision showing how it is constantly striving to improve its programming and operations.
  • The ministry’s planning and development of its resources to obtain necessary financial support to include financial management and marketing for the ensuing three to five years.

The difference between the initial Certification and the Certificate of Excellence is that the former is a focus on the present state of the ministry’s programs, services and activities, while the latter deals with issues that are more future-oriented.


We never sell, rent or exchange our supporters’ names, addresses, email addresses or telephone numbers. Any personal or confidential information you provide will not be shared with anyone outside of the Orlando Union Rescue Mission.