Here is a list of links to other organizations in Central Florida that provide services to the homeless:
Calvario City Church
Catholic Charities of Central Florida
Central Care Mission
Central Florida Commission on Homelessness
Central Florida Episcopal Diocese
Central Florida Foundation
Central Florida YMCA
Christian HELP
Christian Service Center
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Coalition for the Homeless
Community Hope Center
Community Resource Network
Congregation Beth Am
Diocesan Council of Orlando
Family Promise of Greater Orlando
First Baptist Church of Kissimmee
First Baptist Church of Orlando
First Presbyterian Church of Orlando
First Unitarian Church of Orlando
Harvest Time International
Health Care Center for the Homeless
Homeless Services Network
Interfaith Council of Central Florida
Islamic Society of Central Florida
Lift Orlando
Matthew’s Hope
Northland, A Church Distributed
Orlando Serve Foundation
Orlando World Outreach Center
Our Church Together
Salvation Army
South Orlando Jewish Congregation
Spring of Life Church
St. Luke’s United Methodist Church
The Hope Church
United Against Poverty
Vision Orlando