2015 October Newsletter – Mission Accomplished – Orlando Union Rescue Mission

2015 October Newsletter – Mission Accomplished

 In Newsletter Story

Dawn Sipley’s memories of her time the Mission ore fleeting, but one stands out.

“The cross was the one thing that always allowed me to know where I was,” she recalls.

Dawn, her mother and sister stayed at the Mission for o short time in the 1980s – before O.U.R. Mission Home was built and when women and children also were housed at what is now the Men’s Center.

“I was very young so I don’t remember o whole lot, but I know my mom was grateful for the Mission.”

And Dawn remains grateful to this day. Today she is vice president of Link Staffing in Sanford, and she makes a special effort to help homeless men and women find suitable jobs so they can become independent.

“Some of my best success stories ore people who were once homeless,” she says. “When given the right opportunity, they will work hard and do well. Many of them just need a chance.” Dawn also volunteers her time at the Mission, providing employment training and conducting mock interviews for residents. She serves as an example of what the future can hold for someone experiencing homelessness.

“I’m just glad to be able to help,” she concludes. “The Mission was there for us all those years ago and this is my opportunity to give back.”

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