2015 December Newsletter – A Christmas Gift of Rest and Renewed – Orlando Union Rescue Mission

2015 December Newsletter – A Christmas Gift of Rest and Renewed

 In Newsletter Story

When I read the Gospel accounts of the first Christmas, and how a young couple was turned away from the inn during their time of greatest need, I can’t help but draw parallels with many of the families who come to the Mission seeking help.

Michelle and Joey were desperate when they contacted us late one night in July. They were afraid, not just for themselves but for their infant son. They needed a safe place where they could regroup and build a new life for their young family. Today they are both working,
saving their money and receiving biblical counseling that will be the foundation of that new life.

They’re just one example of the hundreds of lives changed because of your compassionate support. And with your help, more families can find rest, healing and renewal at the Orlando Union Rescue Mission this holiday season!

For $26.82, you can provide one night of shelter and life changing care for a family in need this Christmas. Will you provide a “night
at the inn” this holiday season and give a generous gift today?

Allen Harden – President/CEO

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