Thank you from Saroj – Orlando Union Rescue Mission

Thank you from Saroj

 In Story

Hello Friend!

My name is Saroj, and my son and I have been guests at the Orlando Union Rescue Mission’s Family Home for a little over a year. I just wanted to write a quick note to thank you for helping me work towards my dream of becoming a veterinarian.

When I came here, I was running away from an abusive relationship. Daiwik, who is 2, was having some behavior problems. I didn’t have a job and had no idea how I was going to support us.

The Mission gave us a safe place to stay while I went to Orange Technical College to become a certified veterinary assistant (I got straight A’s!). While I was going to classes, Daiwik went to the Mission’s Early Learning Center. I can’t believe how much better he’s acting now!

Today I have a great job at East Orange Animal Hospital. I love working with the animals! I’m saving my money so Daiwik and I can get a place of our own.

I never thought anything like this would ever happen to me. But the Mission – and friends like you who support it – made it possible. I can’t thank you enough. I pray that God blesses you the way He has me.

Love, Saroj

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