2016 Summer Newsletter – Faces of the Mission – Orlando Union Rescue Mission

2016 Summer Newsletter – Faces of the Mission

 In Newsletter Story

Maude was living the middle class dream in Chicago with a master’s degree, a good job and a house. But things started unraveling when she lost her job. She came to Orlando, where she has family, to get a fresh start but had trouble finding work and a place to stay. Maude came to the O.U.R. Family Home in February, where she worked in housekeeping until recently getting a job working with the mentally disabled. Now she’s saving her money for a place of her own. “The biggest thing the Mission has done for me is brought me closer to God,” Maude says. “I’m building the foundation of a Christ-centered life.”

Mike thought he had it all together when he left O.U.R. Men’s Home two years ago. He moved back to Indiana
to help his brother with his business but that didn’t work out. He returned to the Mission in May with a greater
appreciation. “I didn’t realize until I left just how much this place did for me, and how much was left to be done,” Mike says. “Now I’m letting the Spirit lead me and trying to stay out of my own way.” Mike works in “the bubble” at the Men’s Home, checking in overnight guests. He plans to take classes to become a Christian counselor.

Uruguay native Beatrice came to O.U.R. Family Home last November with her husband, David, and 12-year-old
daughter, Evie. The family had moved to Florida from New York for a job that was supposed to be permanent but only lasted a month. Since coming to the Mission, David has gotten a job at a theme park and Beatrice is working with children in the Early Learning Center. She says they’ve learned a lot since they arrived. “We’ve learned how to manage our money and how to save,” she says. “Most importantly, we’ve learned to put God first in our lives and to let Him lead us.”

Vedette has accomplished a lot since moving into O.U.R. Family Home with her son and daughter in September of 2012. She graduated from the Mission’s culinary training program, completed culinary school and took classes with Jobs Partnership. The only thing she hasn’t done is get her high school diploma, and she’s working hard to reach that goal before moving out later this summer. She recently started a full-time job with a cleaning company and is looking forward to a brighter future. “I’m grateful for all the Mission’s done for me,” she says. “I’ve been able to get back on my feet here.”

Your gift today will help these guests – and others in our program – achieve their goal of self-sufficiency. Just fill out the enclosed response card and return it along with your gift in the postage paid envelope. Or give online at www.OURM.org/LightOfHope.

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