Central Florida Responds to Local Rescue Mission’s Plea in a Major Way – Orlando Union Rescue Mission

Central Florida Responds to Local Rescue Mission’s Plea in a Major Way

 In Press Releases

(The Christmas Extravaganza will go on as scheduled as the community responds to the need)

Orlando, FL –The Orlando Union Rescue Mission (OURM) has seen a humongous response from the Central Florida community this week. Monday, OURM was in jeopardy of cancelling the Christmas Extravaganza that will be held on Saturday. The lack of toy donations prior to reports of cancelling the event sent the community into overdrive to ensure the families at OURM would have a Merry Christmas. Since then, OURM has been inundated with support from individuals, businesses, schools and churches to make sure Christmas wasn’t cancelled for the children at the Mission. OURM has released the following statement:

“Because of the tremendous response from the community, the Orlando Union Rescue Mission can not only attest to the love that has been shown, but also the joy our families will feel when they see that Christmas has indeed come. Every drop off, every online order, every call, every prayer has made this event possible. You have proven that it is more joyous to give than to receive, and we are extremely grateful for your generosity. We would love to thank you Central Florida community for your overwhelming provision!”

About OURM

Founded in 1948, the Orlando Union Rescue Mission is a 501(c)(3), faith-based organization providing food, shelter, clothing, and rehabilitative programs to destitute and homeless men, women, and children.


For additional information pertaining to this release, please contact Tanneka Guice at (407) 690-2524 (cell) or (407) 422-4855, ext. 1119 or tanneka.guice@ourm.org.

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