Never Alone Again: Eboney’s Story – Orlando Union Rescue Mission

Never Alone Again: Eboney’s Story

 In Newsletter Story, Story, Success Story

“You have to find a way. You have to find a way. You have to find a way.” This mantra defined Eboney’s perspective of the world. Survival was imperative, and it was up to her and her alone.

She hadn’t always felt this way. In early 2020, she was pregnant with her first child, and through the support of her boyfriend, she left her job working security to prepare for their precious daughter’s entry into the world.

Her boyfriend’s past, however, threatened their dreams for the future. A warrant brought to light led to a plea of guilty and a three-year jail sentence. His mistakes sentenced Eboney to a life of desperation. And after a brief stint staying with family, she believed that to protect her daughter, she needed to rebuild her life alone.

But she wasn’t as alone as she thought. While living at a motel, she received a phone call from the Orlando Union Rescue Mission. Her hope was low when she filled out an application, but despite her doubts, she moved to the Mission in April of 2021.

Two years later, Eboney’s perspective has changed. What was once, “You have to find a way. You have to find a way. You have to find a way,” is now, “There is a way.” And, her way was paved through the support of donors like you.

“You can get more when you put more into yourself,” Eboney reflects. While here, support from donors like you gave Eboney the chance to accomplish much. With her burdens relieved, Eboney found time to attend classes on faith, family, parenting, and money management which improved her credit score, emotional regulation, and outlook on life. After completing her time working in housekeeping as part of the Mission’s Discipleship program, Eboney received job-preparedness training and obtained her esthetician license from Orange Technical College. Now, thanks to your help, Eboney has her foot in the door for the future she wants. She is working part-time as a facialist and maintaining a second part-time job to bring in more savings. There is still work to do, but thanks to you, Eboney has hope.

“If it wasn’t for being here and having this opportunity, I would still be in survival mode. I would be worried about taking care of my daughter 24/7,” Eboney reflects. Supporters like you were a friend to Eboney when she felt most alone, and she values what you have done for her life and the life of her daughter.

Eboney claims her daughter, Leilani, ” would have been a totally different baby” if not for the Early Learning Center. Because of the education Leilani received, she is already advanced in her speaking ability. Eboney knows it’s the Mission’s donor who made this life possible for Leilani.

Donors made a new spiritual life possible for Eboney too. “Before I came, I really didn’t put in time for religion,” she reflects. Now, she understands, “[God] is there through the whole way, from birth to end.” This realization has a lasting impact! Because supporters like you were there for Eboney when she felt alone, she now knows, through God’s mercy, she will never be alone again.

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