2016 September Newsletter – Progress is good, But Rebuilding Lives is What We’re About – Orlando Union Rescue Mission

2016 September Newsletter – Progress is good, But Rebuilding Lives is What We’re About

 In Newsletter Story

It’s an exciting time here at the Mission as we plan our move to the new Men’s Center and watch the Family Life Center renovation progress. Our prayer is that these projects will help us better serve all of the struggling people who come to us for help.

But as we move forward with blueprints, artist renderings, capital campaign plans and meetings with
lawyers, politicians and community members, we must remember this: Our most important projects aren’t made of brick and mortar but are the lives and souls of the people we serve.

I was reminded of this when I watched Sindi and her three children move into a place of their own. During her time here she took classes, got a good job, saved her money and found a life of permanent
independence built on a relationship with Jesus Christ.

I’m also reminded when I talk to Michael about how the Lord is working in his life, as he puts his drug abuse an other problems behind him and works to become the man God intends for him to be.

People like Sindi and Michael are what it’s all about. Yes, we’re looking forward to a new Men’s Center and redesigned Family Life Center, but only to the degree that they’ II help us transform lives.

After all, a new building would be meaningless without the Lord’s work being done inside.

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