President’s Corner: Project Hope
God is good, and we see His goodness every day at the Mission. He inspires friends like you, whose gifts make possible the transformation of the lives of our guests. He equips our team to demonstrate the love of Christ through both Biblical teaching and the way we treat our guests. And He provides volunteers, who serve our Lord by serving our guests, and resources so we can spread His kingdom and serve His people.
We see His goodness in our new Men’s Home, named Project Hope, which we have begun building. On Project Hope, God has blessed us in surprising ways. Baker Barrios Architects and three other firms have provided all architectural and engineering services for free, saving the Mission more than $300,000.
Additionally, Home Depot will host a workday on the site on September 19, when they will bring more than 650 volunteers to work for a day. They will install an irrigation system, landscaping, a basketball court, a memorial garden, and other projects that will save us hundreds of thousands of dollars. Home Depot’s generosity is another episode of God’s magnificent grace – a blessing we could not have expected.
We have begun a capital campaign to fund Project Hope; we need to raise a total of $6,500,000, of which we already have received commitments for $2,600,000. If you can provide a gift over and above your regular annual donation, please call me at 407-928-6375 (cell), or e-mail me at We would love to talk with you.
These are exciting times for the Mission. God has provided an opportunity to build a new facility that will enable us to increase the number of guests we serve and expand our ministries. Like all our efforts, Project Hope is possible only because of generous gifts from friends like you. Your support helps Christ transform the lives of the men, women, and children at the Mission. Thank you for making that possible.
Give online to our Project Hope capital campaign at, or text ProjectHope to 41444